The history of bass fishing started over two hundred years ago, originally starting as a means to gather food. Over the years though, it has slowly progressed into a sport many different walks of people from all over the world enjoy participating in.
A man by the name of Onesimus Ustonson began the first documented development in the history of bass fishing. He was the first bass fisherman to invent a multiplying fishing reel. Soon after the release of his invention, another inventor introduced a reel called the Shannon Twin Spinner. The latter is the basis for the spinner bait reels we have today.
The next progression in the history of bass fishing began with Roosevelt’s New Deal. Because so many dams were created during this period of time in an effort to harness electricity, quite a few recreational lakes were produced. These then became science experiments focused on culturing a variety of different bass fish. This was a major break-through for the sport.
After a newly invented nylon net was released in 1937, fishermen realized this material was also ideal for creating reinforced fishing line. Because so many new fishing products were being released, it sport fishing for bass became an incredibly addicting and much less frustrating past-time. The height of the history of bass fishing was defined by this influx of modern fishing equipment.
The history of bass fishing culminated in the early 90’s after people realized that the sport could also become a profitable endeavor. Since then, its popularity has risen considerably.